Exceptions for File Storage layer.
- exception[source]¶
Exception to be thrown in case of an unexpected problem when migrating an H5 file to a newer version.
- exception[source]¶
Generic exception when storing in data in files.
- exception[source]¶
Exception to be thrown in case of a problem related to File Structure Storage.
- exception[source]¶
A base exception class for all TVB file storage version conversion custom exceptions.
- exception[source]¶
Exception that should be raised in case a file is handled by some filemanager which is incompatible with that version of TVB file storage.
- exception[source]¶
Exception when the file associated to some manager does not exist on disk for some reason.
- exception[source]¶
Exception when a dataset is accessed, but no written entry exists in HDF5 file for it. we will consider the attribute None.
- exception[source]¶
Exception to be thrown in case a project is to be renamed during sync encryption.
- exception[source]¶
Exception to be thrown in case of an unsupported file storage is chosen. Currently only H5 Storage is supported.
- class[source]¶
This class manages all Structure related operations, using File storage. It will handle creating meaning-full entities and retrieving existent ones.
- check_created(**kw)¶
New function will actually write the Lock.
- static compute_recursive_h5_disk_usage(start_path)[source]¶
Computes the disk usage of all h5 files under the given directory. :param start_path: :return: A tuple of size in kiB
- static compute_size_on_disk(file_path)[source]¶
Given a file’s path, return size occupied on disk by that file. Size should be a number, representing size in KB.
- static copy_file(source, dest, dest_postfix, buffer_size)[source]¶
Copy a file from source to dest. source and dest can either be strings or any object with a read or write method, like StringIO for example.
- get_images_folder(project_name, images_folder)[source]¶
Computes the name/path of the folder where to store images.
- get_project_folder(project_name, *sub_folders)[source]¶
Retrieve the root path for the given project. If root folder is not created yet, will create it.
- get_project_meta_file_path(project_name, project_file)[source]¶
Retrieve project meta info file path.
- Returns:
File path for storing Project meta-data File might not exist yet, but parent folder is created after this method call.
- static remove_files(file_list, ignore_exception=False)[source]¶
- Parameters:
file_list – list of file paths to be removed.
ignore_exception – When True and one of the specified files could not be removed, an exception is raised.
- static remove_folder(folder_path, ignore_errors)[source]¶
Given a folder path, try to remove that folder from disk. :param folder_path: Folder to be removed :param ignore_errors: When False throw FileStructureException if folder_path is invalid.
- rename_project_structure(project_name, new_name)[source]¶
Rename Project folder or THROW FileStructureException.
- write_image_metadata(figure, meta_entity, images_folder)[source]¶
Writes figure meta-data into XML file
- class, mode)[source]¶
- write_zip_folder(folder, exclude, need_parent_folder=False)[source]¶
write folder contents in archive :param folder: root folder in archive. Defaults to “” the archive root :param exclude: a list of file or folder names that will be recursively excluded :param need_parent_folder: if it is True, the parent_folder will be added as well to the zip file name
Persistence of data in HDF5 format.
- class[source]¶
This class is responsible for saving / loading data in HDF5 file / format.
- BOOL_VALUE_PREFIX = 'bool:'¶
- DATETIME_VALUE_PREFIX = 'datetime:'¶
- DATE_TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'¶
- class H5pyStorageBuffer(h5py_dataset, buffered_data=None, grow_dimension=-1)[source]¶
Helper class in order to buffer data for append operations, to limit the number of actual HDD I/O operations.
- LOCKS = {'/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/1/Connectivity_6b28b6c61836452bb52cbd18538a7775.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/1/ZIPConnectivityImporterModel_4866892f890d420ca6e0e35847b5905d.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/2/Surface_10467c4fd4874186afa6d9b1fd8383d8.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/2/Surface_3716aab9d3664d20ab510549ea418e3a.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/2/Surface_6f246663030d4dd3affaad9df6d47c53.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/2/Surface_713b0dfd95804e779339f6c06ba0aada.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/2/Surface_a6cca09cbca646af95f286a222d119bf.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/2/Surface_ebe790e783ba497ea6ee2a8053842618.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/2/ZIPSurfaceImporterModel_356f5a84eb144b069c3e9776d1bc72b5.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/3/SensorsImporterModel_0b7a7bfa6b634bfca79f5ad35a35dece.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/3/Sensors_1a4ee47c7d964493a33852c32a09cec1.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/3/Sensors_568ffb7358f84a0eb4e9ea3ff9a4568b.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/3/Sensors_7b6b6060dde04990b1f79698fe2681c8.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/4/BRCOImporterModel_f43259fa842b40b2b80a525428e1e506.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/4/ConnectivityAnnotations_9134ec2cf5bd4456b889b2e1ba692184.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/5/RegionMappingImporterModel_8173b01a810141b5b50804bbe465d99a.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/5/RegionMapping_30eb223d205b4f728e95c76068c06f92.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/6/ProjectionMatrixImporterModel_8fe81e2928be48749405be8e34ec25d4.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/6/ProjectionMatrix_42c105f356c245498db8df991886c48a.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/6/ProjectionMatrix_5f4883d4096a4a86ae65d48058883450.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/6/ProjectionMatrix_6e6dcd8a09bf473d8659479f8fa67663.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/7/LocalConnectivity_3e551cbd47ca11e49f213c075431bf56.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>, '/home/tvb_user/TVB_STORAGE/TEMP/2023-9-9_17-49-27_436268-ImportProject/Default_Project/7/TVBImporterModel_a62c8ae10a1a4a4897e709e04f995d97.h5': <unlocked _thread.lock object>}¶
- append_data(data_list, dataset_name='', grow_dimension=-1, close_file=True, where='/')[source]¶
This method appends data to an existing data set. If the data set does not exists, create it first.
- Parameters:
dataset_name – Name of the data set where to store data
data_list – Data to be stored / appended
grow_dimension – The dimension to be used to grow stored array. By default will grow on the LAST dimension
close_file – Specify if the file should be closed automatically after write operation. If not, you have to close file by calling method close_file()
where – represents the path where to store our dataset (e.g. /data/info)
- close_file()[source]¶
The synchronization of open/close doesn’t seem to be needed anymore for h5py in contrast to PyTables for concurrent reads. However since it shouldn’t add that much overhead in most situation we’ll leave it like this for now since in case of concurrent writes(metadata) this provides extra safety.
- get_data(dataset_name='', data_slice=None, where='/', ignore_errors=False, close_file=True)[source]¶
This method reads data from the given data set based on the slice specification
- Parameters:
close_file – Automatically close after reading the current field
ignore_errors – return None in case of error, or throw exception
dataset_name – Name of the data set from where to read data
data_slice – Specify how to retrieve data from array {e.g (slice(1,10,1),slice(1,6,2)) }
where – represents the path where dataset is stored (e.g. /data/info)
- Returns:
a numpy.ndarray containing filtered data
- get_data_shape(dataset_name='', where='/')[source]¶
This method reads data-size from the given data set
- Parameters:
dataset_name – Name of the data set from where to read data
where – represents the path where dataset is stored (e.g. /data/info)
- Returns:
a tuple containing data size
- get_file_data_version(data_version, dataset_name='', where='/')[source]¶
Checks the data version for the current file.
- get_metadata(dataset_name='', where='/')[source]¶
Retrieve ALL meta-data information for root node or for a given data set.
- Parameters:
dataset_name – name of the dataset for which to read metadata. If None, read metadata from ROOT node.
where – represents the path where dataset is stored (e.g. /data/info)
- Returns:
a dictionary containing all metadata associated with the node
- is_valid_tvb_file()[source]¶
This method checks if specified file exists and if it has correct HDF5 format :returns: True is file exists and has HDF5 format. False otherwise.
- remove_data(dataset_name='', where='/')[source]¶
Deleting a data set from H5 file.
:param dataset_name:name of the data set to be deleted :param where: represents the path where dataset is stored (e.g. /data/info)
- remove_metadata(meta_key, dataset_name='', tvb_specific_metadata=True, where='/', check_existence=False)[source]¶
Remove meta-data information for root node or for a given data set.
- Parameters:
meta_key – name of the metadata attribute to be removed
dataset_name – name of the dataset from where to delete metadata. If None, metadata will be removed from ROOT node.
tvb_specific_metadata – specify if the provided metadata is specific to TVB (keys will have a TVB prefix).
where – represents the path where dataset is stored (e.g. /data/info)
- set_metadata(meta_dictionary, dataset_name='', tvb_specific_metadata=True, where='/')[source]¶
Set meta-data information for root node or for a given data set.
- Parameters:
meta_dictionary – dictionary containing meta info to be stored on node
dataset_name – name of the dataset where to assign metadata. If None, metadata is assigned to ROOT node.
tvb_specific_metadata – specify if the provided metadata is TVB specific (All keys will have a TVB prefix)
where – represents the path where dataset is stored (e.g. /data/info)
This module contains logic for meta-data handling.
It handles read/write operations in XML files for retrieving/storing meta-data. More specific: it contains XML Reader/Writer Utility, for generic metadata dictionary.
- class[source]¶
Reader for XML with meta-data on generic entities (e.g. Project, Operation).