# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package. This package holds all simulators, and
# analysers necessary to run brain-simulations. You can use it stand alone or
# in conjunction with TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2023, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
# https://www.thevirtualbrain.org/tvb/zwei/neuroscience-publications
This is the main module of the simulator. It defines the Simulator class which
brings together all the structural and dynamic components necessary to define a
simulation and the method for running the simulation.
.. moduleauthor:: Stuart A. Knock <Stuart@tvb.invalid>
.. moduleauthor:: Marmaduke Woodman <marmaduke.woodman@univ-amu.fr>
.. moduleauthor:: Paula Sanz Leon <Paula@tvb.invalid>
import math
import time
import numpy
from tvb.basic.neotraits.api import HasTraits, Attr, NArray, List, Float
from tvb.basic.profile import TvbProfile
from tvb.datatypes import cortex, connectivity, patterns
from tvb.simulator import models, integrators, monitors, coupling
from tvb.simulator.models.base import Model
from .backend import ReferenceBackend
from .common import psutil
from .history import SparseHistory
# TODO with refactor, this becomes more of a builder, since iterator will account for
# most of the runtime associated with a simulation.
[docs]class Simulator(HasTraits):
"""A Simulator assembles components required to perform simulations."""
connectivity = Attr(
label="Long-range connectivity",
doc="""A tvb.datatypes.Connectivity object which contains the
structural long-range connectivity data (i.e., white-matter tracts). In
combination with the ``Long-range coupling function`` it defines the inter-regional
connections. These couplings undergo a time delay via signal propagation
with a propagation speed of ``Conduction Speed``""")
conduction_speed = Float(
label="Conduction Speed",
doc="""Conduction speed for ``Long-range connectivity`` (mm/ms)""")
coupling = Attr(
label="Long-range coupling function",
doc="""The coupling function is applied to the activity propagated
between regions by the ``Long-range connectivity`` before it enters the local
dynamic equations of the Model. Its primary purpose is to 'rescale' the
incoming activity to a level appropriate to Model.""")
surface: cortex.Cortex = Attr(
label="Cortical surface",
doc="""By default, a Cortex object which represents the
cortical surface defined by points in the 3D physical space and their
neighborhood relationship. In the current TVB version, when setting up a
surface-based simulation, the option to configure the spatial spread of
the ``Local Connectivity`` is available.""")
stimulus = Attr(
label="Spatiotemporal stimulus",
doc="""A ``Spatiotemporal stimulus`` can be defined at the region or surface level.
It's composed of spatial and temporal components. For region defined stimuli
the spatial component is just the strength with which the temporal
component is applied to each region. For surface defined stimuli, a
(spatial) function, with finite-support, is used to define the strength
of the stimuli on the surface centred around one or more focal points.
In the current version of TVB, stimuli are applied to the first state
variable of the ``Local dynamic model``.""")
model: Model = Attr(
label="Local dynamic model",
doc="""A tvb.simulator.Model object which describe the local dynamic
equations, their parameters, and, to some extent, where connectivity
(local and long-range) enters and which state-variables the Monitors
monitor. By default the 'Generic2dOscillator' model is used. Read the
Scientific documentation to learn more about this model.""")
integrator = Attr(
label="Integration scheme",
doc="""A tvb.simulator.Integrator object which is
an integration scheme with supporting attributes such as
integration step size and noise specification for stochastic
methods. It is used to compute the time courses of the model state
initial_conditions = NArray(
label="Initial Conditions",
doc="""Initial conditions from which the simulation will begin. By
default, random initial conditions are provided. Needs to be the same shape
as simulator 'history', ie, initial history function which defines the
minimal initial state of the network with time delays before time t=0.
If the number of time points in the provided array is insufficient the
array will be padded with random values based on the 'state_variables_range'
monitors = List(
doc="""A tvb.simulator.Monitor or a list of tvb.simulator.Monitor
objects that 'know' how to record relevant data from the simulation. Two
main types exist: 1) simple, spatial and temporal, reductions (subsets
or averages); 2) physiological measurements, such as EEG, MEG and fMRI.
By default the Model's specified variables_of_interest are returned,
temporally down-sampled from the raw integration rate to a sample rate of
simulation_length = Float(
label="Simulation Length (ms, s, m, h)",
default=1000.0, # ie 1 second
doc="""The length of a simulation (default in milliseconds).""")
backend = ReferenceBackend()
history = None # type: SparseHistory
def good_history_shape(self):
"""Returns expected history shape."""
n_reg = self.connectivity.number_of_regions
shape = self.connectivity.horizon, len(self.model.state_variables), n_reg, self.model.number_of_modes
return shape
calls = 0
current_step = 0
number_of_nodes = None
_memory_requirement_guess = None
_memory_requirement_census = None
_storage_requirement = None
_runtime = None
integrate_next_step = None
# methods consist of
# 1) generic configure
# 2) component specific configure
# 3) loop preparation
# 4) loop step
# 5) estimations
def is_surface_simulation(self):
if self.surface:
return True
return False
def _set_number_of_nodes(self):
# "Nodes" refers to either regions or vertices + non-cortical regions.
if self.surface is None:
self.number_of_nodes = self.connectivity.number_of_regions
self.log.info('Region simulation with %d ROI nodes', self.number_of_nodes)
self.number_of_nodes = len(self.surface.region_mapping)
self.log.info('Surface simulation with %d total nodes (vertices + non-cortical)', self.number_of_nodes)
def _prepare_local_coupling(self):
if self.surface is None:
return 0.0
return self.surface.prepare_local_coupling(self.number_of_nodes)
def _loop_compute_node_coupling(self, step):
"""Compute delayed node coupling values."""
coupling = self.coupling(step, self.history)
if self.surface is not None:
coupling = coupling[:, self.surface.region_mapping]
return coupling
def _prepare_stimulus(self):
if self.stimulus is None:
stimulus = 0.0
# TODO time grid wrong for continuations
time = numpy.r_[0.0: self.simulation_length: self.integrator.dt]
self.stimulus.configure_time(time.reshape((1, -1)))
stimulus = numpy.zeros((self.model.nvar, self.number_of_nodes, 1))
self.log.debug("stimulus shape is: %s", stimulus.shape)
return stimulus
def _loop_update_stimulus(self, step, stimulus):
"""Update stimulus values for current time step."""
if self.stimulus is not None:
# TODO stim_step != current step
stim_step = step - (self.current_step + 1)
stimulus[self.model.stvar, :, :] = self.stimulus(stim_step).reshape((1, -1, 1))
def _loop_update_history(self, step, state):
"""Update history."""
if self.surface is not None and state.shape[1] > self.connectivity.number_of_regions:
state = self.backend.surface_state_to_rois(self.surface.region_mapping, self.connectivity.number_of_regions, state)
self.history.update(step, state)
def _loop_monitor_output(self, step, state, node_coupling):
observed = self.model.observe(state)
output = [monitor.record(step,
node_coupling if isinstance(monitor, monitors.AfferentCoupling) else observed)
for monitor in self.monitors]
if any(outputi is not None for outputi in output):
return output
def __call__(self, simulation_length=None, random_state=None, n_steps=None):
Return an iterator which steps through simulation time, generating monitor outputs.
See the run method for a convenient way to collect all output in one call.
:param simulation_length: Length of the simulation to perform in ms.
:param random_state: State of NumPy RNG to use for stochastic integration.
:param n_steps: Length of the simulation to perform in integration steps. Overrides simulation_length.
:return: Iterator over monitor outputs.
self.calls += 1
if simulation_length is not None:
self.simulation_length = float(simulation_length)
# initialization
# TODO a provided random_state should be used for history init
local_coupling = self._prepare_local_coupling()
stimulus = self._prepare_stimulus()
state = self.current_state
start_step = self.current_step + 1
node_coupling = self._loop_compute_node_coupling(start_step)
# integration loop
if n_steps is None:
n_steps = int(math.ceil(self.simulation_length / self.integrator.dt))
if not numpy.issubdtype(type(n_steps), numpy.integer):
raise TypeError("Incorrect type for n_steps: %s, expected integer" % type(n_steps))
for step in range(start_step, start_step + n_steps):
self._loop_update_stimulus(step, stimulus)
state = self.integrate_next_step(state, self.model, node_coupling, local_coupling, stimulus)
self._loop_update_history(step, state)
node_coupling = self._loop_compute_node_coupling(step + 1)
output = self._loop_monitor_output(step, state, node_coupling)
if output is not None:
yield output
self.current_state = state
self.current_step = self.current_step + n_steps
def _configure_history(self, initial_conditions=None):
"Initialize history instance; cf. from_simulator for more information."
self.history = SparseHistory.from_simulator(self, initial_conditions)
def _configure_integrator_noise(self):
This enables having noise to be state variable specific and/or to enter
only via specific brain structures, for example it we only want to
consider noise as an external input entering the brain via appropriate
thalamic nuclei.
Support 3 possible shapes:
1) number_of_nodes;
2) number_of_state_variables or number_of_integrated_state_variables; and
3) (number_of_state_variables or number_of_integrated_state_variables, number_of_nodes).
# Noise has to have a shape corresponding to only the integrated state variables!
good_history_shape = list(self.good_history_shape[1:])
good_history_shape[0] = self.model.nintvar
if self.integrator.noise.ntau > 0.0:
self.integrator.noise.configure_coloured(self.integrator.dt, tuple(good_history_shape))
self.integrator.noise.configure_white(self.integrator.dt, tuple(good_history_shape))
if self.surface is not None:
if self.integrator.noise.nsig.size == self.connectivity.number_of_regions:
self.integrator.noise.nsig = self.integrator.noise.nsig[self.surface.region_mapping]
elif self.integrator.noise.nsig.size == self.model.nvar * self.connectivity.number_of_regions:
self.integrator.noise.nsig = \
self.integrator.noise.nsig[self.model.state_variable_mask][:, self.surface.region_mapping]
elif self.integrator.noise.nsig.size == self.model.nintvar * self.connectivity.number_of_regions:
self.integrator.noise.nsig = self.integrator.noise.nsig[:, self.surface.region_mapping]
good_nsig_shape = (self.model.nintvar, self.number_of_nodes, self.model.number_of_modes)
nsig = self.integrator.noise.nsig
self.log.debug("Given noise shape is %s", nsig.shape)
if nsig.shape in (good_nsig_shape, (1,)):
elif nsig.shape == (self.model.nvar,):
nsig = nsig[self.model.state_variable_mask].reshape((self.model.nintvar, 1, 1))
elif nsig.shape == (self.model.nintvar,):
nsig = nsig.reshape((self.model.nintvar, 1, 1))
elif nsig.shape == (self.number_of_nodes,):
nsig = nsig.reshape((1, self.number_of_nodes, 1))
elif nsig.shape == (self.model.nvar, self.number_of_nodes):
nsig = nsig[self.model.state_variable_mask].reshape((self.model.nintvar, self.number_of_nodes, 1))
elif nsig.shape == (self.model.nintvar, self.number_of_nodes):
nsig = nsig.reshape((self.model.nintvar, self.number_of_nodes, 1))
msg = "Bad Simulator.integrator.noise.nsig shape: %s"
self.log.error(msg % str(nsig.shape))
self.log.debug("Corrected noise shape is %s", nsig.shape)
self.integrator.noise.nsig = nsig
def _configure_monitors(self):
""" Configure the requested Monitors for this Simulator """
# Coerce to list if required
if not isinstance(self.monitors, (list, tuple)):
self.monitors = [self.monitors]
# Configure monitors
for monitor in self.monitors:
def _configure_stimuli(self):
""" Configure the defined Stimuli for this Simulator """
if self.stimulus is not None:
if self.surface:
# NOTE the region mapping of the stimuli should also include the subcortical areas
# used by simulator adaptor
[docs] def memory_requirement(self):
Return an estimated of the memory requirements (Bytes) for this
simulator's current configuration.
return self._memory_requirement_guess
# appears to be unused
[docs] def runtime(self, simulation_length):
Return an estimated run time (seconds) for the simulator's current
configuration and a specified simulation length.
self.simulation_length = simulation_length
return self._runtime
# used by simulator adaptor
[docs] def storage_requirement(self):
Return an estimated storage requirement (Bytes) for the simulator's
current configuration and a specified simulation length.
return self._storage_requirement
def _guesstimate_memory_requirement(self):
guesstimate the memory required for this simulator.
Guesstimate is based on the shape of the dominant arrays, and as such
can operate before configuration.
NOTE: Assumes returned/yeilded data is in some sense "taken care of" in
the world outside the simulator, and so doesn't consider it, making
the simulator's history, and surface if present, the dominant
memory pigs...
if self.surface:
number_of_nodes = self.surface.number_of_vertices
number_of_nodes = self.connectivity.number_of_regions
number_of_regions = self.connectivity.number_of_regions
magic_number = 2.42 # Current guesstimate is low by about a factor of 2, seems safer to over estimate...
bits_64 = 8.0 # Bytes
bits_32 = 4.0 # Bytes
# NOTE: The speed hack for getting the first element of hist shape should
# partially resolves calling of this method with a non-configured
# connectivity, there remains the less common issue if no tract_lengths...
hist_shape = (self.connectivity.tract_lengths.max() / (self.conduction_speed or
self.connectivity.speed or 3.0) / self.integrator.dt,
self.model.nvar, number_of_nodes,
self.log.debug("Estimated history shape is %r", hist_shape)
memreq = numpy.prod(hist_shape) * bits_64
if self.surface:
memreq += self.surface.number_of_triangles * 3 * bits_32 * 2 # normals
memreq += self.surface.number_of_vertices * 3 * bits_64 * 2 # normals
memreq += number_of_nodes * number_of_regions * bits_64 * 4 # region_mapping, region_average, region_sum
# ???memreq += self.surface.local_connectivity.matrix.nnz * 8
if not hasattr(self.monitors, '__len__'):
self.monitors = [self.monitors]
for monitor in self.monitors:
if not isinstance(monitor, monitors.Bold):
stock_shape = (monitor.period / self.integrator.dt,
memreq += numpy.prod(stock_shape) * bits_64
if hasattr(monitor, "sensors"):
memreq += number_of_nodes * monitor.sensors.number_of_sensors * bits_64 # projection_matrix
except AttributeError:
self.log.debug("No sensors specified, guessing memory based on default EEG.")
memreq += number_of_nodes * 62.0 * bits_64
stock_shape = (monitor.hrf_length * monitor._stock_sample_rate,
interim_stock_shape = (1.0 / (2.0 ** -2 * self.integrator.dt),
memreq += numpy.prod(stock_shape) * bits_64
memreq += numpy.prod(interim_stock_shape) * bits_64
if psutil and memreq > psutil.virtual_memory().total:
self.log.warning("There may be insufficient memory for this simulation.")
self._memory_requirement_guess = magic_number * memreq
msg = "Memory requirement estimate: simulation will need about %.1f MB"
self.log.info(msg, self._memory_requirement_guess / 2 ** 20)
def _census_memory_requirement(self):
Guesstimate the memory required for this simulator.
Guesstimate is based on a census of the dominant arrays after the
simulator has been configured.
NOTE: Assumes returned/yeilded data is in some sense "taken care of" in
the world outside the simulator, and so doesn't consider it, making
the simulator's history, and surface if present, the dominant
memory pigs...
magic_number = 2.42 # Current guesstimate is low by about a factor of 2, seems safer to over estimate...
memreq = self.history.nbytes
memreq += self.surface.triangles.nbytes * 2
memreq += self.surface.vertices.nbytes * 2
memreq += self.surface.region_mapping.nbytes * self.number_of_nodes * 8. * 4 # region_average, region_sum
memreq += self.surface.local_connectivity.matrix.nnz * 8
except AttributeError:
for monitor in self.monitors:
memreq += monitor._stock.nbytes
if isinstance(monitor, monitors.Bold):
memreq += monitor._interim_stock.nbytes
if psutil and memreq > psutil.virtual_memory().total:
self.log.warning("Memory estimate exceeds total available RAM.")
self._memory_requirement_census = magic_number * memreq
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
msg = "Memory requirement census: simulation will need about %.1f MB"
self.log.info(msg % (self._memory_requirement_census / 1048576.0))
def _guesstimate_runtime(self):
Estimate the runtime for this simulator.
Spread in parallel executions of larger arrays means this will be an over-estimation,
or rather a single threaded estimation...
Different choice of integrators and monitors has an additional effect,
on the magic number though relatively minor
magic_number = 6.57e-06 # seconds
self._runtime = (magic_number * self.number_of_nodes * self.model.nvar * self.model.number_of_modes *
self.simulation_length / self.integrator.dt)
msg = "Simulation runtime should be about %0.3f seconds"
self.log.info(msg, self._runtime)
def _calculate_storage_requirement(self):
Calculate the storage requirement for the simulator, configured with
models, monitors, etc being run for a particular simulation length.
While this is only approximate, it is far more reliable/accurate than
the memory and runtime guesstimates.
self.log.info("Calculating storage requirement for ...")
strgreq = 0
for monitor in self.monitors:
# Avoid division by zero for monitor not yet configured
# (in framework this is executed, when only preconfigure has been called):
current_period = monitor.period or self.integrator.dt
strgreq += (TvbProfile.current.MAGIC_NUMBER * self.simulation_length *
self.number_of_nodes * self.model.nvar *
self.model.number_of_modes / current_period)
self.log.info("Calculated storage requirement for simulation: %d " % int(strgreq))
self._storage_requirement = int(strgreq)
[docs] def run(self, **kwds):
"""Convenience method to call the simulator with **kwds and collect output data."""
ts, xs = [], []
for _ in self.monitors:
wall_time_start = time.time()
for data in self(**kwds):
for tl, xl, t_x in zip(ts, xs, data):
if t_x is not None:
t, x = t_x
elapsed_wall_time = time.time() - wall_time_start
self.log.info("%.3f s elapsed, %.3fx real time", elapsed_wall_time,
elapsed_wall_time * 1e3 / self.simulation_length)
for i in range(len(ts)):
ts[i] = numpy.array(ts[i])
xs[i] = numpy.array(xs[i])
return list(zip(ts, xs))