# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package. This package holds all simulators, and
# analysers necessary to run brain-simulations. You can use it stand alone or
# in conjunction with TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2023, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
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# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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Oscillator models.
from .base import Model, ModelNumbaDfun
import numpy
from numba import guvectorize, float64
from tvb.basic.neotraits.api import NArray, Final, List, Range
from tvb.simulator.backend.ref import RefBase
[docs]class Generic2dOscillator(ModelNumbaDfun):
The Generic2dOscillator model is a generic dynamic system with two state
variables. The dynamic equations of this model are composed of two ordinary
differential equations comprising two nullclines. The first nullcline is a
cubic function as it is found in most neuron and population models; the
second nullcline is arbitrarily configurable as a polynomial function up to
second order. The manipulation of the latter nullcline's parameters allows
to generate a wide range of different behaviours.
.. math::
\dot{V} &= d \, \tau (-f V^3 + e V^2 + g V + \alpha W + \gamma I) \\
\dot{W} &= \dfrac{d}{\tau}\,\,(c V^2 + b V - \beta W + a)
.. [FH_1961] FitzHugh, R., *Impulses and physiological states in theoretical
models of nerve membrane*, Biophysical Journal 1: 445, 1961.
.. [Nagumo_1962] Nagumo et.al, *An Active Pulse Transmission Line Simulating
Nerve Axon*, Proceedings of the IRE 50: 2061, 1962.
.. [SJ_2011] Stefanescu, R., Jirsa, V.K. *Reduced representations of
heterogeneous mixed neural networks with synaptic coupling*.
Physical Review E, 83, 2011.
.. [SJ_2010] Jirsa VK, Stefanescu R. *Neural population modes capture
biologically realistic large-scale network dynamics*. Bulletin of
Mathematical Biology, 2010.
.. [SJ_2008_a] Stefanescu, R., Jirsa, V.K. *A low dimensional description
of globally coupled heterogeneous neural networks of excitatory and
inhibitory neurons*. PLoS Computational Biology, 4(11), 2008).
The model's (:math:`V`, :math:`W`) time series and phase-plane its nullclines
can be seen in the figure below.
The model with its default parameters exhibits FitzHugh-Nagumo like dynamics.
| Table 1 |
|Parameter | Value |
| a | -2.0 |
| b | -10.0 |
| c | 0.0 |
| d | 0.02 |
| I | 0.0 |
| limit cycle if a is 2.0 |
| Table 2 |
|Parameter | Value |
| a | 1.0 |
| b | 0.0 |
| c | -5.0 |
| d | 0.02 |
| I | 0.0 |
| monostable regime: |
| fixed point if Iext=-2.0 |
| limit cycle if Iext=-1.0 |
| Table 3 |
| (similar to Morris-Lecar)|
|Parameter | Value |
| a | 0.5 |
| b | 0.6 |
| c | -4.0 |
| d | 0.02 |
| I | 0.0 |
| excitable regime if b=0.6 |
| oscillatory if b=0.4 |
| Table 4 |
| GhoshetAl, 2008 |
| KnocketAl, 2009 |
|Parameter | Value |
| a | 1.05 |
| b | -1.00 |
| c | 0.0 |
| d | 0.1 |
| I | 0.0 |
| alpha | 1.0 |
| beta | 0.2 |
| gamma | -1.0 |
| e | 0.0 |
| g | 1.0 |
| f | 1/3 |
| tau | 1.25 |
| |
| frequency peak at 10Hz |
| |
| Table 5 |
| SanzLeonetAl 2013 |
|Parameter | Value |
| a | - 0.5 |
| b | -10.0 |
| c | 0.0 |
| d | 0.02 |
| I | 0.0 |
| |
| intrinsic frequency is |
| approx 10 Hz |
| |
NOTE: This regime, if I = 2.1, is called subthreshold regime.
Unstable oscillations appear through a subcritical Hopf bifurcation.
.. figure :: img/Generic2dOscillator_01_mode_0_pplane.svg
.. _phase-plane-Generic2D:
:alt: Phase plane of the generic 2D population model with (V, W)
The (:math:`V`, :math:`W`) phase-plane for the generic 2D population
model for default parameters. The dynamical system has an equilibrium
.. automethod:: Generic2dOscillator.dfun
# Define traited attributes for this model, these represent possible kwargs.
tau = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=1.0, hi=5.0, step=0.01),
doc="""A time-scale hierarchy can be introduced for the state
variables :math:`V` and :math:`W`. Default parameter is 1, which means
no time-scale hierarchy.""")
I = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=-5.0, hi=5.0, step=0.01),
doc="""Baseline shift of the cubic nullcline""")
a = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=-5.0, hi=5.0, step=0.01),
doc="""Vertical shift of the configurable nullcline""")
b = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=-20.0, hi=15.0, step=0.01),
doc="""Linear slope of the configurable nullcline""")
c = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=-10.0, hi=10.0, step=0.01),
doc="""Parabolic term of the configurable nullcline""")
d = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=0.0001, hi=1.0, step=0.0001),
doc="""Temporal scale factor. Warning: do not use it unless
you know what you are doing and know about time tides.""")
e = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=-5.0, hi=5.0, step=0.0001),
doc="""Coefficient of the quadratic term of the cubic nullcline.""")
f = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=-5.0, hi=5.0, step=0.0001),
doc="""Coefficient of the cubic term of the cubic nullcline.""")
g = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=-5.0, hi=5.0, step=0.5),
doc="""Coefficient of the linear term of the cubic nullcline.""")
alpha = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=-5.0, hi=5.0, step=0.0001),
doc="""Constant parameter to scale the rate of feedback from the
slow variable to the fast variable.""")
beta = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=-5.0, hi=5.0, step=0.0001),
doc="""Constant parameter to scale the rate of feedback from the
slow variable to itself""")
# This parameter is basically a hack to avoid having a negative lower boundary in the global coupling strength.
gamma = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=-1.0, hi=1.0, step=0.1),
doc="""Constant parameter to reproduce FHN dynamics where
excitatory input currents are negative.
It scales both I and the long range coupling term.""")
state_variable_range = Final(
label="State Variable ranges [lo, hi]",
default={"V": numpy.array([-2.0, 4.0]),
"W": numpy.array([-6.0, 6.0])},
doc="""The values for each state-variable should be set to encompass
the expected dynamic range of that state-variable for the current
parameters, it is used as a mechanism for bounding random initial
conditions when the simulation isn't started from an explicit
history, it is also provides the default range of phase-plane plots.""")
variables_of_interest = List(
label="Variables or quantities available to Monitors",
choices=("V", "W", "V + W", "V - W"),
doc="The quantities of interest for monitoring for the generic 2D oscillator.")
state_variables = ('V', 'W')
_nvar = 2
cvar = numpy.array([0], dtype=numpy.int32)
def _numpy_dfun(self, state_variables, coupling, local_coupling=0.0):
V = state_variables[0, :]
W = state_variables[1, :]
# [State_variables, nodes]
c_0 = coupling[0, :]
tau = self.tau
I = self.I
a = self.a
b = self.b
c = self.c
d = self.d
e = self.e
f = self.f
g = self.g
beta = self.beta
alpha = self.alpha
gamma = self.gamma
lc_0 = local_coupling * V
# Pre-allocate the result array then instruct numexpr to use it as output.
# This avoids an expensive array concatenation
derivative = numpy.empty_like(state_variables)
ev = RefBase.evaluate
ev('d * tau * (alpha * W - f * V**3 + e * V**2 + g * V + gamma * I + gamma *c_0 + lc_0)', out=derivative[0])
ev('d * (a + b * V + c * V**2 - beta * W) / tau', out=derivative[1])
return derivative
[docs] def dfun(self, vw, c, local_coupling=0.0):
The two state variables :math:`V` and :math:`W` are typically considered
to represent a function of the neuron's membrane potential, such as the
firing rate or dendritic currents, and a recovery variable, respectively.
If there is a time scale hierarchy, then typically :math:`V` is faster
than :math:`W` corresponding to a value of :math:`\tau` greater than 1.
The equations of the generic 2D population model read
.. math::
\dot{V} &= d \, \tau (-f V^3 + e V^2 + g V + \alpha W + \gamma I) \\
\dot{W} &= \dfrac{d}{\tau}\,\,(c V^2 + b V - \beta W + a)
where external currents :math:`I` provide the entry point for local,
long-range connectivity and stimulation.
lc_0 = local_coupling * vw[0, :, 0]
vw_ = vw.reshape(vw.shape[:-1]).T
c_ = c.reshape(c.shape[:-1]).T
deriv = _numba_dfun_g2d(vw_, c_, self.tau, self.I, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d, self.e, self.f, self.g,
self.beta, self.alpha, self.gamma, lc_0)
return deriv.T[..., numpy.newaxis]
@guvectorize([(float64[:],) * 16], '(n),(m)' + ',()' * 13 + '->(n)', nopython=True)
def _numba_dfun_g2d(vw, c_0, tau, I, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, beta, alpha, gamma, lc_0, dx):
"Gufunc for Generic2dOscillator model equations."
V = vw[0]
V2 = V * V
W = vw[1]
dx[0] = d[0] * tau[0] * (
alpha[0] * W - f[0] * V2 * V + e[0] * V2 + g[0] * V + gamma[0] * I[0] + gamma[0] * c_0[0] + lc_0[0])
dx[1] = d[0] * (a[0] + b[0] * V + c[0] * V2 - beta[0] * W) / tau[0]
[docs]class Kuramoto(Model):
The Kuramoto model is a model of synchronization phenomena derived by
Yoshiki Kuramoto in 1975 which has since been applied to diverse domains
including the study of neuronal oscillations and synchronization.
.. [YK_1975] Y. Kuramoto, in: H. Arakai (Ed.), International Symposium
on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics, *Lecture Notes in
Physics*, page 420, vol. 39, 1975.
.. [SS_2000] S. H. Strogatz. *From Kuramoto to Crawford: exploring the
onset of synchronization in populations of coupled oscillators*.
Physica D, 143, 2000.
.. [JC_2011] J. Cabral, E. Hugues, O. Sporns, G. Deco. *Role of local
network oscillations in resting-state functional connectivity*.
NeuroImage, 57, 1, 2011.
The :math:`\theta` variable is the phase angle of the oscillation.
Dynamic equations:
.. math::
\dot{\theta}_{k} = \omega_{k} + \mathbf{\Gamma}(\theta_k, \theta_j, u_{kj}) + \sin(W_{\zeta}\theta)
# Define traited attributes for this model, these represent possible kwargs.
omega = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=0.01, hi=200.0, step=0.1),
doc=r""":math:`\omega` sets the base line frequency for the
Kuramoto oscillator in [rad/ms]""")
state_variable_range = Final(
label="State Variable ranges [lo, hi]",
default={"theta": numpy.array([0.0, numpy.pi * 2.0]), },
doc="""The values for each state-variable should be set to encompass
the expected dynamic range of that state-variable for the current
parameters, it is used as a mechanism for bounding random initial
conditions when the simulation isn't started from an explicit
history, it is also provides the default range of phase-plane plots.""")
variables_of_interest = List(
label="Variables watched by Monitors",
doc="""This represents the default state-variables of this Model to be
monitored. It can be overridden for each Monitor if desired. The Kuramoto
model, however, only has one state variable with and index of 0, so it
is not necessary to change the default here.""")
state_variables = ['theta']
_nvar = 1
cvar = numpy.array([0], dtype=numpy.int32)
[docs] def dfun(self, state_variables, coupling, local_coupling=0.0,
ev=RefBase.evaluate, sin=numpy.sin, pi2=numpy.pi * 2):
The :math:`\theta` variable is the phase angle of the oscillation.
.. math::
\dot{\theta}_{k} = \omega_{k} + \mathbf{\Gamma}(\theta_k, \theta_j, u_{kj}) + \sin(W_{\zeta}\theta)
where :math:`I` is the input via local and long range connectivity,
passing first through the Kuramoto coupling function,
theta = state_variables[0, :]
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# A) Distribution of phases according to the local connectivity kernel
local_range_coupling = numpy.sin(local_coupling * theta)
# NOTE: To evaluate.
# B) Strength of the interactions
# local_range_coupling = local_coupling * numpy.sin(theta)
I = coupling[0, :] + local_range_coupling
if not hasattr(self, 'derivative'):
self.derivative = numpy.empty((1,) + theta.shape)
# phase update
self.derivative[0] = self.omega + I
# all this pi makeh me have great hungary, can has sum NaN?
return self.derivative
[docs]class SupHopf(ModelNumbaDfun):
The supHopf model describes the normal form of a supercritical Hopf bifurcation in Cartesian coordinates.
This normal form has a supercritical bifurcation at a=0 with a the bifurcation parameter in the model. So
for a < 0, the local dynamics has a stable fixed point and the system corresponds to a damped oscillatory
state, whereas for a > 0, the local dynamics enters in a stable limit cycle and the system switches to an
oscillatory state.
See for examples:
.. [Kuznetsov_2013] Kuznetsov, Y.A. *Elements of applied bifurcation theory.* Springer Sci & Business
Media, 2013, vol. 112.
.. [Deco_2017a] Deco, G., Kringelbach, M.L., Jirsa, V.K., Ritter, P. *The dynamics of resting fluctuations
in the brain: metastability and its dynamical cortical core* Sci Reports, 2017, 7: 3095.
The equations of the supHopf equations read as follows:
.. math::
\dot{x}_{i} &= (a_{i} - x_{i}^{2} - y_{i}^{2})x_{i} - {\omega}{i}y_{i} \\
\dot{y}_{i} &= (a_{i} - x_{i}^{2} - y_{i}^{2})y_{i} + {\omega}{i}x_{i}
where a is the local bifurcation parameter and omega the angular frequency.
a = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=-10.0, hi=10.0, step=0.01),
doc="""Local bifurcation parameter.""")
omega = NArray(
domain=Range(lo=0.05, hi=630.0, step=0.01),
doc="""Angular frequency.""")
# Initialization.
state_variable_range = Final(
label="State Variable ranges [lo, hi]",
default={"x": numpy.array([-5.0, 5.0]),
"y": numpy.array([-5.0, 5.0])},
doc="""The values for each state-variable should be set to encompass
the expected dynamic range of that state-variable for the current
parameters, it is used as a mechanism for bounding random initial
conditions when the simulation isn't started from an explicit
history, it is also provides the default range of phase-plane plots.""")
variables_of_interest = List(
label="Variables watched by Monitors",
choices=("x", "y"),
doc="Quantities of supHopf available to monitor.")
state_variables = ["x", "y"]
_nvar = 2 # number of state-variables
cvar = numpy.array([0, 1], dtype=numpy.int32) # coupling variables
def _numpy_dfun(self, state_variables, coupling, local_coupling=0.0,
array=numpy.array, where=numpy.where, concat=numpy.concatenate):
y = state_variables
ydot = numpy.empty_like(state_variables)
# long-range coupling
c_0 = coupling[0]
c_1 = coupling[1]
# short-range (local) coupling
lc_0 = local_coupling * y[0]
# supHopf's equations in Cartesian coordinates:
ydot[0] = (self.a - y[0] ** 2 - y[1] ** 2) * y[0] - self.omega * y[1] + c_0 + lc_0
ydot[1] = (self.a - y[0] ** 2 - y[1] ** 2) * y[1] + self.omega * y[0] + c_1
return ydot
[docs] def dfun(self, x, c, local_coupling=0.0):
Computes the derivatives of the state-variables of supHopf
with respect to time.
The equations of the supHopf equations read as follows:
.. math::
\dot{x}_{i} &= (a_{i} - x_{i}^{2} - y_{i}^{2})x_{i} - {\omega}{i}y_{i} \\
\dot{y}_{i} &= (a_{i} - x_{i}^{2} - y_{i}^{2})y_{i} + {\omega}{i}x_{i}
where a is the local bifurcation parameter and omega the angular frequency.
x_ = x.reshape(x.shape[:-1]).T
c_ = c.reshape(c.shape[:-1]).T
lc_0 = local_coupling * x[0, :, 0]
deriv = _numba_dfun_supHopf(x_, c_, self.a, self.omega, lc_0)
return deriv.T[..., numpy.newaxis]
@guvectorize([(float64[:],) * 6], '(n),(m)' + ',()' * 3 + '->(n)', nopython=True)
def _numba_dfun_supHopf(y, c, a, omega, lc_0, ydot):
"Gufunc for supHopf model equations."
# long-range coupling
c_0 = c[0]
c_1 = c[1]
# supHopf equations
ydot[0] = (a[0] - y[0] ** 2 - y[1] ** 2) * y[0] - omega[0] * y[1] + c_0 + lc_0[0]
ydot[1] = (a[0] - y[0] ** 2 - y[1] ** 2) * y[1] + omega[0] * y[0] + c_1