# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and
# Web-UI helpful to run brain-simulations. To use it, you also need to download
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package (for simulators). See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2023, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
# https://www.thevirtualbrain.org/tvb/zwei/neuroscience-publications
.. moduleauthor:: Paula Popa <paula.popa@codemart.ro>
.. moduleauthor:: Bogdan Neacsa <bogdan.neacsa@codemart.ro>
.. moduleauthor:: Ionel Ortelecan <ionel.ortelecan@codemart.ro>
import json
import uuid
import cherrypy
from tvb.adapters.creators.local_connectivity_creator import *
from tvb.adapters.datatypes.h5.local_connectivity_h5 import LocalConnectivityH5
from tvb.adapters.datatypes.h5.surface_h5 import SurfaceH5
from tvb.adapters.forms.equation_forms import get_form_for_equation
from tvb.core.adapters.abcadapter import ABCAdapter
from tvb.core.entities.load import try_get_last_datatype, load_entity_by_gid
from tvb.core.neocom import h5
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers import common
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.autologging import traced
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.base_controller import BaseController
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.common import MissingDataException
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.decorators import check_user, handle_error
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.decorators import expose_fragment, expose_page, expose_json
from tvb.interfaces.web.controllers.spatial.base_spatio_temporal_controller import SpatioTemporalController
from tvb.interfaces.web.structure import WebStructure
LOAD_EXISTING_URL = SpatioTemporalController.build_path('/spatial/localconnectivity/load_local_connectivity')
RELOAD_DEFAULT_PAGE_URL = SpatioTemporalController.build_path('/spatial/localconnectivity/reset_local_connectivity')
# Between steps/pages we keep a LocalConnectivityCreatorModel in session at this key
KEY_LCONN = "local-conn"
class LocalConnectivityController(SpatioTemporalController):
Controller layer for displaying/creating a LocalConnectivity entity.
# These 4 strings are used on client-side to set onchange events on form fields
SURFACE_FIELD = 'set_surface'
EQUATION_FIELD = 'set_equation'
CUTOFF_FIELD = 'set_cutoff_value'
DISPLAY_NAME_FIELD = 'set_display_name'
EQUATION_PARAMS_FIELD = 'set_equation_param'
base_url = '/spatial/localconnectivity'
def __init__(self):
self.plotted_equation_prefixes = {}
[docs] @expose_page
def step_1(self, do_reset=0, **kwargs):
Generate the html for the first step of the local connectivity page.
:param do_reset: Boolean telling to start from empty page or not
:param kwargs: not actually used, but parameters are still submitted from UI since we just\
use the same js function for this.
project_id = common.get_current_project().id
if int(do_reset) == 1:
new_lconn = LocalConnectivityCreatorModel()
default_surface_index = try_get_last_datatype(project_id, SurfaceIndex,
if default_surface_index:
new_lconn.surface = uuid.UUID(default_surface_index.gid)
# Surface is required in model and we should keep it like this, but we also want to
new_lconn.surface = uuid.uuid4()
common.add2session(KEY_LCONN, new_lconn)
current_lconn = common.get_from_session(KEY_LCONN)
existent_lcon_form = self.algorithm_service.prepare_adapter_form(form_instance=LocalConnectivitySelectorForm(),
existent_lcon_form.existentEntitiesSelect.data = current_lconn.gid.hex
configure_lcon_form = self.algorithm_service.prepare_adapter_form(
current_lconn.equation = configure_lcon_form.spatial.value()
template_specification = dict(title="Surface - Local Connectivity")
template_specification['mainContent'] = 'spatial/local_connectivity_step1_main'
template_specification['inputList'] = self.render_spatial_form(configure_lcon_form)
template_specification['displayCreateLocalConnectivityBtn'] = True
template_specification['loadExistentEntityUrl'] = LOAD_EXISTING_URL
template_specification['resetToDefaultUrl'] = RELOAD_DEFAULT_PAGE_URL
template_specification['existentEntitiesInputList'] = self.render_spatial_form(existent_lcon_form)
template_specification['submit_parameters_url'] = self.build_path('/spatial/localconnectivity/create_local_connectivity')
template_specification['equationViewerUrl'] = self.build_path('/spatial/localconnectivity/get_equation_chart')
template_specification['baseUrl'] = self.base_url
self.plotted_equation_prefixes = {self.SURFACE_FIELD: configure_lcon_form.surface.name,
self.EQUATION_FIELD: configure_lcon_form.spatial.name,
self.CUTOFF_FIELD: configure_lcon_form.cutoff.name,
self.DISPLAY_NAME_FIELD: configure_lcon_form.display_name.name,
self.EQUATION_PARAMS_FIELD: configure_lcon_form.spatial.subform_field.name[1:]}
template_specification['equationsPrefixes'] = json.dumps(self.plotted_equation_prefixes)
template_specification['next_step_url'] = '/spatial/localconnectivity/step_2'
return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)
[docs] @cherrypy.expose
def set_equation_param(self, **param):
current_lconn = common.get_from_session(KEY_LCONN)
eq_param_form_class = get_form_for_equation(type(current_lconn.equation))
eq_param_form = eq_param_form_class()
[docs] @cherrypy.expose
def set_cutoff_value(self, **param):
current_lconn = common.get_from_session(KEY_LCONN)
cutoff_form_field = LocalConnectivityCreatorForm().cutoff
current_lconn.cutoff = cutoff_form_field.value
[docs] @cherrypy.expose
def set_surface(self, **param):
current_lconn = common.get_from_session(KEY_LCONN)
surface_form_field = LocalConnectivityCreatorForm().surface
current_lconn.surface = surface_form_field.value
[docs] @cherrypy.expose
def set_display_name(self, **param):
display_name_form_field = LocalConnectivityCreatorForm().display_name
if display_name_form_field.value is not None:
lconn = common.get_from_session(KEY_LCONN)
lconn.display_name = display_name_form_field.value
[docs] @expose_page
def step_2(self, **kwargs):
Generate the html for the second step of the local connectivity page.
:param kwargs: not actually used, but parameters are still submitted from UI since we just\
use the same js function for this.
current_lconn = common.get_from_session(KEY_LCONN)
left_side_form = self.algorithm_service.prepare_adapter_form(form_instance=LocalConnectivitySelectorForm(),
left_side_form.existentEntitiesSelect.data = current_lconn.gid.hex
template_specification = dict(title="Surface - Local Connectivity")
template_specification['mainContent'] = 'spatial/local_connectivity_step2_main'
template_specification['existentEntitiesInputList'] = self.render_adapter_form(left_side_form)
template_specification['loadExistentEntityUrl'] = LOAD_EXISTING_URL
template_specification['resetToDefaultUrl'] = RELOAD_DEFAULT_PAGE_URL
template_specification['next_step_url'] = self.build_path('/spatial/localconnectivity/step_1')
msg, _ = common.get_message_from_session()
template_specification['displayedMessage'] = msg
if current_lconn is not None:
selected_local_conn = load_entity_by_gid(current_lconn.gid)
template_specification['no_local_connectivity'] = False
template_specification['minValue'] = selected_local_conn.matrix_non_zero_min
template_specification['maxValue'] = selected_local_conn.matrix_non_zero_max
template_specification['no_local_connectivity'] = True
template_specification[common.KEY_PARAMETERS_CONFIG] = False
return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)
[docs] @cherrypy.expose
def create_local_connectivity(self, **kwargs):
Used for creating and storing a local connectivity.
current_lconn = common.get_from_session(KEY_LCONN)
local_connectivity_creator = ABCAdapter.build_adapter_from_class(LocalConnectivityCreator)
self.operation_service.fire_operation(local_connectivity_creator, common.get_logged_user(),
common.get_current_project().id, view_model=current_lconn)
common.set_important_message("The operation for creating the local connectivity was successfully launched.")
return self.step_1()
[docs] @cherrypy.expose
def load_local_connectivity(self, local_connectivity_gid, from_step=None):
Loads an existing local connectivity.
lconn_index = load_entity_by_gid(local_connectivity_gid)
existent_lconn = LocalConnectivityCreatorModel()
lconn_h5_path = h5.path_for_stored_index(lconn_index)
with LocalConnectivityH5(lconn_h5_path) as lconn_h5:
existent_lconn.surface = uuid.UUID(lconn_index.fk_surface_gid)
common.add2session(KEY_LCONN, existent_lconn)
existent_lconn.display_name = lconn_index.user_tag_1
if existent_lconn.equation:
msg = "Successfully loaded existent entity gid=%s" % (local_connectivity_gid,)
msg = "There is no equation specified for this local connectivity. "
msg += "The default equation is displayed into the spatial field."
if int(from_step) == 1:
return self.step_1()
if int(from_step) == 2:
return self.step_2()
[docs] @cherrypy.expose
def reset_local_connectivity(self, from_step):
Reset the context and reset to the first step. This method is called when the None entry is
selected from the select.
:param from_step: is not used in local connectivity case since we don't want to remain in
step 2 in case none was selected. We are keeping it so far to remain compatible with the
stimulus pages.
return self.step_1(do_reset=1)
[docs] def fill_default_attributes(self, template_dictionary):
Overwrite base controller to add required parameters for adapter templates.
template_dictionary[common.KEY_SECTION] = WebStructure.SECTION_CONNECTIVITY
template_dictionary[common.KEY_SUB_SECTION] = 'local'
template_dictionary[common.KEY_SUBMENU_LIST] = self.connectivity_submenu
template_dictionary[common.KEY_INCLUDE_RESOURCES] = 'spatial/included_resources'
BaseController.fill_default_attributes(self, template_dictionary)
return template_dictionary
[docs] @expose_json
def compute_data_for_gradient_view(self, local_connectivity_gid, selected_triangle):
When the user loads an existent local connectivity and he picks a vertex from the used surface, this
method computes the data needed for drawing a gradient view corresponding to that vertex.
Returns a json which contains the data needed for drawing a gradient view for the selected vertex.
triangle_index = int(selected_triangle)
lconn_h5 = h5.h5_file_for_gid(local_connectivity_gid)
surface_h5 = h5.h5_file_for_gid(lconn_h5.surface.load())
assert isinstance(surface_h5, SurfaceH5)
vertex_index = int(surface_h5.triangles[triangle_index][0])
assert isinstance(lconn_h5, LocalConnectivityH5)
lconn_matrix = lconn_h5.matrix.load()
picked_data = list(lconn_matrix[vertex_index].toarray().squeeze())
result = []
number_of_split_slices = surface_h5.number_of_split_slices.load()
if number_of_split_slices <= 1:
for slice_number in range(number_of_split_slices):
start_idx, end_idx = surface_h5.get_slice_vertex_boundaries(slice_number)
result = {'data': json.dumps(result)}
return result
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_series_json(ideal_case, average_case, worst_case, best_case, vertical_line):
""" Gather all the separate data arrays into a single flot series. """
return json.dumps([
{"data": ideal_case, "lines": {"lineWidth": 1}, "label": "Theoretical case", "color": "rgb(52, 255, 25)"},
{"data": average_case, "lines": {"lineWidth": 1}, "label": "Most probable", "color": "rgb(148, 0, 179)"},
{"data": worst_case, "lines": {"lineWidth": 1}, "label": "Worst case", "color": "rgb(0, 0, 255)"},
{"data": best_case, "lines": {"lineWidth": 1}, "label": "Best case", "color": "rgb(122, 122, 0)"},
{"data": vertical_line, "points": {"show": True, "radius": 1}, "label": "Cut-off distance",
"color": "rgb(255, 0, 0)"}
[docs] @expose_fragment('spatial/equation_displayer')
def get_equation_chart(self):
Returns the html which contains the plot with the equations
specified into 'plotted_equations_prefixes' field.
# This should be called once at first rendering and once for any change event on form fields used
# in computation: equation, equation params, surface, cutoff
current_lconn = common.get_from_session(KEY_LCONN)
surface_gid = current_lconn.surface.hex
surface = load_entity_by_gid(surface_gid)
if surface is None:
raise MissingDataException(self.MSG_MISSING_SURFACE + "!!!")
max_x = current_lconn.cutoff
if max_x <= 0:
max_x = 50
equation = current_lconn.equation
# What we want
ideal_case_series, _ = equation.get_series_data(0, 2 * max_x)
# What we'll mostly get
avg_res = 2 * int(max_x / surface.edge_mean_length)
step = max_x * 2 / (avg_res - 1)
average_case_series, _ = equation.get_series_data(0, 2 * max_x, step)
# It can be this bad
worst_res = 2 * int(max_x / surface.edge_max_length)
step = 2 * max_x / (worst_res - 1)
worst_case_series, _ = equation.get_series_data(0, 2 * max_x, step)
# This is as good as it gets...
best_res = 2 * int(max_x / surface.edge_min_length)
step = 2 * max_x / (best_res - 1)
best_case_series, _ = equation.get_series_data(0, 2 * max_x, step)
max_y = -1000000000
min_y = 10000000000
for case in ideal_case_series:
if min_y > case[1]:
min_y = case[1]
if min_y > case[1]:
min_y = case[1]
if max_y < case[1]:
max_y = case[1]
if max_y < case[1]:
max_y = case[1]
vertical_line = []
vertical_step = (max_y - min_y) / NO_OF_CUTOFF_POINTS
for i in range(NO_OF_CUTOFF_POINTS):
vertical_line.append([max_x, min_y + i * vertical_step])
all_series = self.get_series_json(ideal_case_series, average_case_series, worst_case_series,
best_case_series, vertical_line)
return {'allSeries': all_series, 'prefix': 'spatial', "message": None}
except NameError as ex:
return {'allSeries': None, 'errorMsg': "Incorrect parameters for equation passed."}
except SyntaxError as ex:
return {'allSeries': None, 'errorMsg': "Some of the parameters hold invalid characters."}
except Exception as ex:
return {'allSeries': None, 'errorMsg': ex}