# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TheVirtualBrain-Framework Package. This package holds all Data Management, and
# Web-UI helpful to run brain-simulations. To use it, you also need to download
# TheVirtualBrain-Scientific Package (for simulators). See content of the
# documentation-folder for more details. See also http://www.thevirtualbrain.org
# (c) 2012-2023, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care ("Baycrest") and others
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# When using The Virtual Brain for scientific publications, please cite it as explained here:
# https://www.thevirtualbrain.org/tvb/zwei/neuroscience-publications
import abc
import json
import typing
import uuid
import numpy
import scipy.sparse
from tvb.basic.neotraits.api import HasTraits, Attr, NArray, Range, TVBEnum
from tvb.datatypes import equations
from tvb.storage.h5.file.exceptions import MissingDataSetException
[docs]class Accessor(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __init__(self, trait_attribute, h5file, name=None):
# type: (Attr, H5File, str) -> None
:param trait_attribute: A traited attribute
:param h5file: The parent H5file that contains this Accessor
:param name: The name of the dataset or attribute in the h5 file.
It defaults to the name of the associated traited attribute.
If the traited attribute is not a member of a HasTraits then
it has no name and you have to provide this parameter
self.owner = h5file
self.trait_attribute = trait_attribute
if name is None:
name = trait_attribute.field_name
self.field_name = name
if self.field_name is None:
raise ValueError('Independent Accessor {} needs a name'.format(self))
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def load(self):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def store(self, val):
def __repr__(self):
cls = type(self)
return '<{}.{}({}, name="{}")>'.format(
cls.__module__, cls.__name__, self.trait_attribute, self.field_name
[docs]class Scalar(Accessor):
A scalar in a h5 file that corresponds to a traited attribute.
Serialized as a global h5 attribute
[docs] def store(self, val):
# type: (typing.Union[str, int, float]) -> None
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
val = self.trait_attribute._validate_set(None, val)
if val is not None:
self.owner.storage_manager.set_metadata({self.field_name: val})
[docs] def load(self):
# type: () -> typing.Union[str, int, float]
# assuming here that the h5 will return the type we stored.
# if paranoid do self.trait_attribute.field_type(value)
if self.owner.metadata_cache is None:
self.owner.metadata_cache = self.owner.storage_manager.get_metadata()
if self.field_name in self.owner.metadata_cache:
return self.owner.metadata_cache[self.field_name]
raise MissingDataSetException(self.field_name)
[docs]class Uuid(Scalar):
[docs] def store(self, val):
# type: (uuid.UUID) -> None
if val is None and not self.trait_attribute.required:
# this is an optional reference and it is missing
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
if not isinstance(val, uuid.UUID):
raise TypeError("expected uuid.UUID got {}".format(type(val)))
# urn is a standard encoding, that is obvious an uuid
# str(gid) is more ambiguous
self.owner.storage_manager.set_metadata({self.field_name: val.urn})
[docs] def load(self):
# type: () -> uuid.UUID
# TODO: handle inexistent field?
metadata = self.owner.storage_manager.get_metadata()
if self.field_name in metadata:
return uuid.UUID(metadata[self.field_name])
return None
[docs]class Enum(Scalar):
[docs] def store(self, val):
if val is not None:
self.owner.storage_manager.set_metadata({self.field_name: val.value})
[docs] def load(self):
metadata = self.owner.storage_manager.get_metadata()
if self.field_name in metadata:
return TVBEnum.string_to_enum(list(self.trait_attribute.field_type), str(metadata[self.field_name]))
[docs]class DataSet(Accessor):
A dataset in a h5 file that corresponds to a traited NArray.
def __init__(self, trait_attribute, h5file, name=None, expand_dimension=-1):
# type: (NArray, H5File, str, int) -> None
:param trait_attribute: A traited attribute
:param h5file: The parent H5file that contains this Accessor
:param name: The name of the dataset in the h5 file.
It defaults to the name of the associated traited attribute.
If the traited attribute is not a member of a HasTraits then
it has no name and you have to provide this parameter
:param expand_dimension: An int designating a dimension of the array that may grow.
super(DataSet, self).__init__(trait_attribute, h5file, name)
self.expand_dimension = expand_dimension
# Cache metadata for expandable DataSets to avoid multiple reads/writes at append time
self.meta = None
[docs] def append(self, data, close_file=True, grow_dimension=None):
# type: (numpy.ndarray, bool, int) -> None
Method to be called when it is necessary to write slices of data for a large dataset, eg. TimeSeries.
Metdata for such datasets is written only at file close time, see H5File.close method.
if not grow_dimension:
grow_dimension = self.expand_dimension
# update the cached array min max metadata values
new_meta = DataSetMetaData.from_array(numpy.array(data))
if self.meta:
# this must be a new file, nothing to merge, set the new meta
self.meta = new_meta
[docs] def store(self, data):
# type: (numpy.ndarray) -> None
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
data = self.trait_attribute._validate_set(None, data)
if data is None:
self.owner.storage_manager.store_data(data, self.field_name)
# cache some array information
[docs] def load(self):
# type: () -> numpy.ndarray
if not self.trait_attribute.required:
return self.owner.storage_manager.get_data(self.field_name, ignore_errors=True)
return self.owner.storage_manager.get_data(self.field_name)
def __getitem__(self, data_slice):
# type: (typing.Tuple[slice, ...]) -> numpy.ndarray
return self.owner.storage_manager.get_data(self.field_name, data_slice=data_slice)
def shape(self):
# type: () -> typing.Tuple[int]
return self.owner.storage_manager.get_data_shape(self.field_name)
[docs]class EquationScalar(Accessor):
An attribute in a h5 file that corresponds to a traited Equation.
KEY_TYPE = 'type'
KEY_PARAMETERS = 'parameters'
def __init__(self, trait_attribute, h5file, name=None):
# type: (Attr, H5File, str) -> None
:param trait_attribute: A traited Equation attribute
:param h5file: The parent H5file that contains this Accessor
:param name: The name of the dataset in the h5 file.
It defaults to the name of the associated traited attribute.
If the traited attribute is not a member of a HasTraits then
it has no name and you have to provide this parameter
super(EquationScalar, self).__init__(trait_attribute, h5file, name)
[docs] def store(self, data):
# type: (Equation) -> None
data = self.trait_attribute._validate_set(None, data)
eq_meta_dict = {self.KEY_TYPE: str(type(data).__name__),
self.KEY_PARAMETERS: data.parameters}
self.owner.storage_manager.set_metadata({self.field_name: json.dumps(eq_meta_dict)})
[docs] def load(self):
# type: () -> Equation
eq_meta_dict = json.loads(self.owner.storage_manager.get_metadata()[self.field_name])
if eq_meta_dict is None:
return eq_meta_dict
eq_type = eq_meta_dict[self.KEY_TYPE]
eq_class = getattr(equations, eq_type)
eq_instance = eq_class()
parameters_dict = eq_meta_dict[self.KEY_PARAMETERS]
eq_instance.parameters = parameters_dict
return eq_instance
[docs]class Reference(Uuid):
A reference to another h5 file
Corresponds to a contained datatype
[docs] def store(self, val):
# type: (HasTraits) -> None
The reference is stored as a gid in the metadata.
:param val: a datatype or a uuid.UUID gid
if val is None and not self.trait_attribute.required:
# this is an optional reference and it is missing
if isinstance(val, HasTraits):
val = val.gid
if not isinstance(val, uuid.UUID):
raise TypeError("expected uuid.UUId or HasTraits, got {}".format(type(val)))
super(Reference, self).store(val)
[docs]class SparseMatrix(Accessor):
Stores and loads a scipy.sparse csc or csr matrix in h5.
constructors = {'csr': scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, 'csc': scipy.sparse.csc_matrix}
[docs] def store(self, mtx):
# type: (scipy.sparse.spmatrix) -> None
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
mtx = self.trait_attribute._validate_set(None, mtx)
if mtx is None:
if mtx.format not in self.constructors:
raise ValueError('sparse format {} not supported'.format(mtx.format))
if not isinstance(mtx, scipy.sparse.spmatrix):
raise TypeError("expected scipy.sparse.spmatrix, got {}".format(type(mtx)))
[docs] def load(self):
meta = self.get_metadata()
if meta.format not in self.constructors:
raise ValueError('sparse format {} not supported'.format(meta.format))
constructor = self.constructors[meta.format]
data = self.owner.storage_manager.get_data(
indptr = self.owner.storage_manager.get_data(
indices = self.owner.storage_manager.get_data(
mtx = constructor((data, indices, indptr), shape=meta.shape, dtype=meta.dtype)
return mtx
[docs]class Json(Scalar):
A python json like data structure accessor
This works with simple Attr(list) Attr(dict) List(of=...)
def __init__(self, trait_attribute, h5file, name=None, json_encoder=None, json_decoder=None):
super(Json, self).__init__(trait_attribute, h5file, name)
self.json_encoder = json_encoder
self.json_decoder = json_decoder
[docs] def store(self, val):
stores a json in the h5 metadata
val = json.dumps(val, cls=self.json_encoder)
self.owner.storage_manager.set_metadata({self.field_name: val})
[docs] def load(self):
val = self.owner.storage_manager.get_metadata()[self.field_name]
if self.json_decoder:
return self.json_decoder().decode(val)
return json.loads(val)
[docs]class JsonRange(Scalar):
Stores and loads a Range in the form of a json in h5.
[docs] def store(self, val):
val = json.dumps(val.__dict__)
self.owner.storage_manager.set_metadata({self.field_name: val})
[docs] def load(self):
val = self.owner.storage_manager.get_metadata()[self.field_name]
loaded_val = json.loads(val)
range_items = list(loaded_val.values())
return Range(range_items[0], range_items[1], range_items[2])
[docs]class ReferenceList(Json):
[docs] def store(self, val):
gids = [dt.gid.hex for dt in val]
super(ReferenceList, self).store(gids)
[docs]class JsonFinal(Json):
A python json like data structure accessor meant to be used with Final(dict)
[docs] class StateVariablesEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, numpy.ndarray):
o = o.tolist()
return o
[docs] class StateVariablesDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
def __init__(self):
json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=self.dict_array)
[docs] def dict_array(self, dictionary):
dict_array = {}
for k, v in dictionary.items():
dict_array.update({k: numpy.array(v)})
return dict_array
def __init__(self, trait_attribute, h5file, name=None):
super(JsonFinal, self).__init__(trait_attribute, h5file, name, self.StateVariablesEncoder,