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Utility functions for using siibra to extract Structural and Functional connectivities
.. moduleauthor:: Romina Baila <romina.baila@codemart.ro>
import numpy as np
import siibra
from enum import Enum
from tvb.basic.logger.builder import get_logger
from tvb.datatypes import connectivity
from tvb.datatypes.graph import ConnectivityMeasure
LOGGER = get_logger(__name__)
DEFAULT_ATLAS = 'Multilevel Human Atlas'
DEFAULT_PARCELLATION = 'Julich-Brain Cytoarchitectonic Maps 2.9'
[docs]class Component2Modality(Enum):
WEIGHTS = siibra.features.connectivity.StreamlineCounts
TRACTS = siibra.features.connectivity.StreamlineLengths
FUNCTIONAL_CONNECTIVITY = siibra.features.connectivity.FunctionalConnectivity
# ########################################## SIIBRA CREATOR INITIALIZATION #############################################
[docs]def get_cohorts_for_sc(parcellation_name):
Given a parcellation name, return the name of all the cohorts related to it and containing data about
Structural Connectivities. We chose to return the options for Struct. Conn., as, for the moment, the same values
are returned for Functional Conn.
parcellation = siibra.parcellations[parcellation_name]
features = siibra.features.get(parcellation, siibra.features.connectivity.StreamlineCounts)
return [f.cohort.upper() for f in features]
# ######################################## SIIBRA PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION #############################################
[docs]def check_atlas_parcellation_compatible(atlas, parcellation):
""" Given an atlas and a parcellation, verify that the atlas contains the parcellation, i.e. they are compatible """
return parcellation in list(atlas.parcellations)
[docs]def get_atlases_for_parcellation(parcelation):
""" Given a parcelation, return all the atlases that contain it """
atlases = siibra.atlases
atlases = [a for a in atlases if parcelation in list(a.parcellations)]
return atlases
[docs]def get_parcellations_for_atlas(atlas):
""" Given the name of an atlas, return all the parcellations inside it """
return list(atlas.parcellations)
[docs]def parse_subject_ids(subject_ids, cohort):
Given a string representing subject ids or a range of subject ids; return the list containing all the included ids
parsed_ids_as_str = []
individual_splits = subject_ids.split(';')
for s in individual_splits:
elif cohort == DEFAULT_COHORT:
parsed_ids = []
for s in individual_splits:
# if a range was written
if '-' in s:
start, end = s.split('-')
start_int = int(start)
end_int = int(end) + 1 # so that the last element in range is also included
ids_list_from_range = list(range(start_int, end_int))
s_int = int(s)
# convert the subject ids list back to strings into the required format
parsed_ids_as_str = [str(id).zfill(3) for id in parsed_ids]
return parsed_ids_as_str
[docs]def init_siibra_params(atlas_name, parcellation_name, cohort_name, subject_ids):
Initialize siibra parameters (if some were not given) and check the compatibility of the provided parameters.
:param: atlas_name - name of atlas as str
:param: parcellation_name - name of parcellation as str
:param: cohort_name - name of cohort as str
:param: subject_ids - list of unparsed subject ids given as str
:return: (atlas, parcellation, cohort_name, subject_ids) - tuple containing a siibra atlas object,
a siibra parcellation object and a cohort name all compatible with each other and a list of parsed ids
# check that the atlas and the parcellation exist within siibra
atlas = siibra.atlases[atlas_name] if atlas_name else None
parcellation = siibra.parcellations[parcellation_name] if parcellation_name else None
# check compatibility of atlas and parcellation
if atlas and parcellation:
compatible = check_atlas_parcellation_compatible(atlas, parcellation)
if not compatible:
raise ValueError(f'Atlas \'{atlas.name}\' does not contain parcellation \'{parcellation.name}\'. '
f'Please choose a different atlas and/or parcellation.')
if atlas and not parcellation:
LOGGER.warning(f'No parcellation was provided, so a default one will be selected.')
parcellations = get_parcellations_for_atlas(atlas)
no_parcellations = len(parcellations)
if no_parcellations < 1:
raise AttributeError(f'No default parcellation was found for atlas {atlas.name}!')
if no_parcellations > 1:
f'Multiple parcellations were found for atlas {atlas.name}. An arbitrary one will be selected.')
parcellation = parcellations[0]
if not atlas and parcellation:
LOGGER.warning('A parcellation was provided without an atlas, so a default atlas will be selected.')
atlases = get_atlases_for_parcellation(parcellation)
no_atlases = len(atlases)
if no_atlases < 1:
raise AttributeError(f'No default atlas containing parcellation {parcellation.name} was found!')
if no_atlases > 1:
f'Multiple atlases containing parcellation {parcellation_name} were found. '
f'An arbitrary one will be selected')
atlas = atlases[0]
if not atlas and not parcellation:
LOGGER.warning(f'No atlas and no parcellation were provided, so default ones will be selected.')
atlas = siibra.atlases[DEFAULT_ATLAS]
parcellation = siibra.parcellations[DEFAULT_PARCELLATION]
LOGGER.info(f'Using atlas {atlas.name} and parcellation {parcellation.name}')
# check the compatibility of cohort and parcellation
cohort_options = get_cohorts_for_sc(parcellation.name)
if cohort_name is None:
cohort_name = DEFAULT_COHORT
elif cohort_name not in cohort_options:
raise ValueError(f'The cohort \"{cohort_name}\" is not available for parcellation \"{parcellation.name}\"!')
# check subject ids
if not subject_ids:
f'The mean across all connectivities from cohort {cohort_name} will be computed.')
subject_ids = [None]
subject_ids = parse_subject_ids(subject_ids, cohort_name)
return atlas, parcellation, cohort_name, subject_ids
# ############################################# CONNECTIVITY METHODS ###################################################
[docs]def get_hemispheres_for_regions(region_names):
Given a list of region names, compute the hemispheres to which they belon to. 0 means the region belongs to the left
hemisphere, 1 means it belongs to the right hemisphere (according to TVB convention).
:param: region_names - list of str containing the names of the regions
:return: hemi - list of ints indicating the hemisphere for each region in `region_names`
LOGGER.info(f'Computing hemispheres for regions')
hemi = []
for name in region_names:
if 'right' in name:
# TODO: regions referring to both hemispheres are put in the left hemisphere; change this?
return hemi
[docs]def get_regions_positions(regions):
Given a list of siibra regions, compute the positions of their centroids.
:param: regions - list of siibra region objects
:return: positions - list of tuples; each tuple represents the position of a region in `regions` and contains
3 floating point coordinates
LOGGER.info(f'Computing positions for regions')
positions = []
space = siibra.spaces.MNI_152_ICBM_2009C_NONLINEAR_ASYMMETRIC # commonly used space in the documentation
for r in regions:
centroid = r.spatial_props(space)['components'][0]['centroid'].coordinate
return positions
# ###################################### STRUCTURAL CONNECTIVITY METHODS ###############################################
[docs]def get_connectivity_matrix(parcellation, cohort, subjects, component):
# type: (siibra.core.parcellation.Parcellation, str, list, Component2Modality) -> {}
Retrieve the structural connectivity components (weights/tracts) for all the subjects provided, for the specified
parcellation and cohort. The matrices are returned inside a dictionary, where the keys are the subject ids and the
values represent the connectivity matrix.
:param: parcellation - siibra Parcellation object for which we compute the connectivity matrices
:param: cohort - name of cohort for which we compute the connectivity matrices
:param: subjects - list containing the subject ids as strings
:param: component - enum value specifying the connectivity component we want, weights or tracts
return: conn_matrices - dict containing the conn. matrices (values) for the specified subject ids (keys)
modality = component.value
features = siibra.features.get(parcellation, modality)
conn_for_cohort = None # conn. obj. (StreamlineCounts/StreamlineLengths) for specified cohort
conn_matrices = {} # dict containing connectivity matrices for the specified users
# select the connectivities for the specific cohort
for f in features:
if f.cohort == cohort:
conn_for_cohort = f
if conn_for_cohort is None:
LOGGER.info("NO conn_for_cohort was found")
return conn_matrices
# for 1000BRAINS cohort, if the user did not specify a suffix (_1, _2), get all the possible ids for that subject
if cohort == THOUSAND_BRAINS_COHORT and subjects is not None:
subjects = [s for s in sorted(conn_for_cohort.subjects) if any(x in s for x in subjects)]
# get the conn. matrices for each specified subject
for s in subjects:
if s is None:
s = 'mean'
matrix = conn_for_cohort.get_matrix(s)
conn_matrices[s] = matrix
LOGGER.info(f'{component.name} for subject {s} retrieved successfully.')
return conn_matrices
[docs]def create_tvb_structural_connectivity(weights_matrix, tracts_matrix, region_names, hemispheres, positions):
# type: (pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame, list, list, list) -> tvb.datatypes.connectivity.Connectivity
Create and configure a TVB Connectivity, based on its components obtained from siibra.
:param: weights_matrix - pandas.DataFrame matrix for weights; obtained from siibra
:param: tracts_matrix - pandas.DataFrame matrix for tracts; obtained from siibra
:param: region_names - list of str containing the names of the regions for which the connectivity is computed
:param: hemispheres - list of ints, corresponding to the hemisphere that each region from `region_names belongs to
:param: positions - list of tuples, corresponding to region coordinates for each region from `region_names`
:return: conn - a tvb.datatypes.connectivity.Connectivity object
conn = connectivity.Connectivity()
conn.weights = weights_matrix.to_numpy()
conn.tract_lengths = tracts_matrix.to_numpy()
conn.region_labels = np.array(region_names)
conn.hemispheres = np.array(hemispheres, dtype=np.bool_)
conn.centres = np.array(positions)
return conn
[docs]def get_structural_connectivities_from_kg(atlas=None, parcellation=None, cohort=None, subject_ids=None):
Return a dictionary of TVB Structural Connectivities using data from siibra and the KG, based on the specified
atlas, parcelation and cohort, and for the specified subjects
:param: atlas - str specifying the atlas name
:param: parcellation - str specifying the parcellation name
:param: cohort - str specifying the cohort name
:param: subject_ids - unparsed str specifying the subject ids for which the connectivities will be computed
:return: connectivities - dict containing tvb structural Connectivities as values and the subject ids as keys
atlas, parcellation, cohort, subject_ids = init_siibra_params(atlas, parcellation, cohort, subject_ids)
connectivities = {}
weights = get_connectivity_matrix(parcellation, cohort, subject_ids, Component2Modality.WEIGHTS)
tracts = get_connectivity_matrix(parcellation, cohort, subject_ids, Component2Modality.TRACTS)
# regions are the same for all weights and tract lengths matrices, so they can be computed only once
regions = list(weights.values())[0].index.values
# because siibra sometimes returns tuples instead of actual regions, change list to contain only regions
regions = [r[1] if type(r) == tuple else r for r in regions]
region_names = [r.name for r in regions]
hemi = get_hemispheres_for_regions(region_names)
positions = get_regions_positions(regions)
LOGGER.info(f'Computing TVB Connectivities')
for subject, matrix in weights.items():
weights_matrix = matrix
tracts_matrix = tracts[subject]
tvb_conn = create_tvb_structural_connectivity(weights_matrix, tracts_matrix, region_names, hemi, positions)
# structural connectivities stored as dict, to link a functional connectivity with the correct
# structural connectivity when creating connectivity measures
connectivities[subject] = tvb_conn
return connectivities
# #################################### FUNCTIONAL CONNECTIVITY METHODS #################################################
[docs]def get_functional_connectivity_matrix(parcellation, cohort, subject):
Get all the functional connectivities for the specified parcellation, cohort and just ONE specific subject;
In v0.4a35 of siibra, functional connectivities belonging to the same cohort can be split into multiple (5)
siibra FunctionalConnectivity objects
:param: parcellation - siibra Parcellation object
:param: cohort - str specifying the cohort name
:param: subject - str specifying exactly one subject id
:return: (fcs_list, fcs_names_list) - tuple containing 2 lists; `fcs_list` contains pandas.Dataframe matrices and
`fcs_names_list` contains the name for each matrix from the previous list, obtained from the file they are stored
in in the KG
modality = Component2Modality.FUNCTIONAL_CONNECTIVITY.value
features = siibra.features.get(parcellation, modality)
fcs_list = [] # the FC matrices
fcs_names_list = [] # the name of the files containing the FC matrices in fcs_list
for f in features:
if f.cohort == cohort:
fc_matrix = f.get_matrix(subject)
return fcs_list, fcs_names_list
[docs]def get_fc_name_from_file_path(path_to_file):
Given the entire path to a file containing a siibra FunctionalConnectivity, return just the filename
Note: highly dependent on KG/siibra storage conventions
:param: path_to_file - str representing the path to a Functional Connectivity from the KG
:return: filename - just the filename (without the extension)
file_with_extension = path_to_file.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
filename = file_with_extension.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
return filename
[docs]def create_tvb_connectivity_measure(siibra_fc, structural_connectivity, siibra_fc_filename):
Given a FunctionalConnectivity from siibra TVB Structural Connectivity (both for the same subject),
return a TVB ConnectivityMeasure containing those 2 connectivities
:param: siibra_fc - pandas.Dataframe matrix from siibra containing a functional connectivity
:param: structural_connectivity - a TVB structural connectivity
:param: siibra_fc_filename - the name of the file containing the functional connectivity from siibra
:return: conn_measure - tvb.datatypes.graph.ConnectivityMeasure representing a functional connectivity
fc_matrix = siibra_fc.to_numpy()
conn_measure = ConnectivityMeasure(array_data=fc_matrix, connectivity=structural_connectivity)
conn_measure.title = get_fc_name_from_file_path(siibra_fc_filename)
return conn_measure
[docs]def get_connectivity_measures_from_kg(atlas=None, parcellation=None, cohort=None, subject_ids=None,
Return a dictionary of TVB Connectivity Measures using data from siibra and the KG, based on the specified
atlas, parcelation and cohort, and for the specified subjects
:param: atlas - str specifying the atlas name
:param: parcellation - str specifying the parcellation name
:param: cohort - str specifying the cohort name
:param: subject_ids - unparsed str specifying the subject ids for which the connectivities will be computed
:param: structural_connectivities - dict of TVB Structural Connectivities computed for the subjects from
`subject_ids`, where subject ids are keys and the structural connectivities are values
:return: conn_measures - dict containing TVB Connectivity Measures as values and the subject ids as keys
atlas, parcellation, cohort, subject_ids = init_siibra_params(atlas, parcellation, cohort, subject_ids)
conn_measures = {}
# for 1000BRAINS cohort, if the user did not specify a suffix (_1, _2), get all the possible ids for that subject
if cohort == THOUSAND_BRAINS_COHORT and any('_' not in s for s in subject_ids):
f = [f for f in siibra.features.get(parcellation, siibra.features.connectivity.FunctionalConnectivity)
f = f[0] # get the first feature from the feature list, we just want to know the subject names
subjects_for_cohort = f.subjects
subject_ids = [s for s in sorted(subjects_for_cohort) if any(x in s for x in subject_ids)]
for s in subject_ids:
if s is None:
s = 'mean'
conn_measures[s] = []
sc = structural_connectivities[s]
fcs, fcs_names = get_functional_connectivity_matrix(parcellation, cohort, s)
# create a tvb conn measure from a siibra fc and append it in the final dict for the specified subject
for i in range(len(fcs)):
conn_measure = create_tvb_connectivity_measure(fcs[i], sc, fcs_names[i])
return conn_measures
# ################################################# FINAL API ##########################################################
[docs]def get_connectivities_from_kg(atlas=None, parcellation=None, cohort=DEFAULT_COHORT,
subject_ids=None, compute_fc=False):
Compute the TVB Structural Connectivities and optionally Functional Connectivities for the selected subjects
:param: atlas - str specifying the atlas name
:param: parcellation - str specifying the parcellation name
:param: cohort - str specifying the cohort name
:param: subject_ids - unparsed str specifying the subject ids for which the connectivities will be computed
:param: compute_fc - boolean value indicating if for the specified subjects the functional connectivities should
also be retrieved
:return: (sc_dict, conn_measures_dict) - tuple containing 2 dictionaries: one with structural connectivities and
one for functional connectivities; for each dictionary, the keys are the subject ids and the values are the
conn_measures_dict = {}
sc_dict = get_structural_connectivities_from_kg(atlas, parcellation, cohort, subject_ids)
if compute_fc:
conn_measures_dict = get_connectivity_measures_from_kg(atlas, parcellation, cohort, subject_ids, sc_dict)
return sc_dict, conn_measures_dict